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Kolymbithres at Naousa

The romantic and unique scenery of Kolymbithres is the first to-do-thing on your list when experiencing the most Parian holidays. Locals and habitués love relaxing under the balmy sun with just a towel here and this will become your favorite ‘ritual beach day’ too, for many years ahead…  

Once you ‘ll arrive in Kolymbithres you will catch yourself admiring the pure and wild beauty of the beach with the huge pearl white natural rocks which the waves and the wind have sculpted in rare shapes over the centuries. The scenery consists of many intimate little shores that have been separated by the engraved rocks… make the choice of relaxing on the sandy beach or hire a kayak and explore the coastline. Pause all your thoughts for one minute, and just soak in hearing the waves and appreciating the moments that the rays of light blink on top of the clear turquoise sea… 


*You can book your sunbeds at or you can enjoy the sun & sea on the Rocks!

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